Keeper of Miracles by Phillip Maisel

Keeper of Miracles by Phillip Maisel

The Keeper of Miracles by Phillip Maisel is one of the most profound yet entirely accessible memoirs I have read this year. Maisel, himself a survivor of the Holocaust, has dedicated his life to recording the testimonies of others for the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Melbourne. In writing of his own experience, Maisel expresses significant vulnerability, but it allows us the privilege of learning his story. In turn, Maisel, who is now 99, hopes to keep the stories alive so that generations to come will be able to learn from them.
Maisel writes with such unadulterated love for the countless ‘miracles’ and acts of kindness from strangers and friends that ultimately saved his life. He reminds us, above all, to never underestimate the power of the human spirit, as we learn not only of the depths of his suffering but also of the strength he found to overcome it all. Maisel’s memoir will also leave you feeling hopeful for the future as he spends time discussing not only his lived experience but also the work he does to record the testimonies of other survivors.
‘I hope that now,’ he writes, ‘my story will become part of yours.’
I have no doubt that it is one of the best memoirs I have read, and I would urge everyone to read this book.
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