All Our Shimmering Skies by Trent Dalton

All Our Shimmering Skies by Trent Dalton

Molly Hook, the gravedigger girl, lives with her alcoholic father and uncle, in Darwin, in a dark and emotionally destructive home.  Her mother had left her with an inscribed gold pan and two pieces of advice; to harden her heart so as she cannot be hurt, and to look to the sky for comfort.  As Japanese bombs fall, she runs away with her friend the shovel, and is joined by an actress and a Japanese fighter pilot, who are her guides and allies as she searches for Longcoat Bob, the Aboriginal magic man who she thinks has cursed her family.  Part Odyssey, part Pilgrim’s Progress, part magical adventure, it is an un-put-downable read, right to the very end.
- Kevin Bradley
Assistant Director-General, Collection

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