The Mulberry Tree by Allison Rushby

The Mulberry Tree by Allison Rushby

When Immy and her parents escape their problems in Australia and move to a little English village in Cambridgeshire, they think they’ve found an idyllic cottage to live in with a big mulberry tree in the backyard. Soon they learn of a local tale of how every little girl who has ever lived in the cottage has disappeared on the eve of her eleventh birthday, never to be seen again. Immy’s eleventh birthday is a month away and she is determined to prove the local legend wrong.

The Mulberry Tree looks at issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder, starting a life in a new country, and being seen as ‘other’ or ‘different’, yet Allison Rushby explores them in a very subtle way that leaves room for wonderful storytelling to take place. This book had me hooked from the start and is a great story that readers aged 10+ will love.



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